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Ferox 5

Product code: 9702 (25KG)

Remove rust, iron stains and scale with ease.


If you are having issues with rust, iron stains or scale, Ferox 5 is a slightly viscous acidic liquid that efficiently removes it with ease. 


As well as being brushed across surfaces, components can be dipped in the solution, using stainless steel, plastic, ceramic or rubber-lined equipment for handling Ferox 5.



How to Use 

Please be aware that Ferox 5 is classified as hazardous for transport (Class 8 for transport under ADR), and needs to be handled with care; appropriate PPE should be worn. 


Before applying, maximise the efficiency of Ferox 5 by removing oil or grease from surfaces or components that need treatment with an emulsifier. We recommend Solcon 80R. Also use a stiff wire brush to remove loose rust flakes or scale. Then apply Ferox 5 with a brush, cloth or spray, or dip in the solution. Do not use galvanised or tinned equipment. For the quickest results, make sure the solution is hot.


As soon as surfaces or components are rust or scale-free, remove the solution and rinse promptly with water. We recommend brushing or wiping while rinsing for the best results. To prevent further corrosion, parts should be treated with a Synergen anti-corrosion coating, or painted. 


Ensure Ferox 5 does not splash on to ropes as this can cause fibres to weaken. Clothing and fabric which has been splashed must be rinsed promptly with water. 

AGMA Ferox 5 Technical Data Sheet


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