Meet Rebecca, Development Chemist

Rebecca works as a Development Chemist as part of the R&D Team at AGMA.

We asked Rebecca a few questions about her work. 

What are your responsibilities? 

My role is within the R&D Team, which is responsible for the development of new products, raw material changes and process improvements. This involves: 

  • Scaling up new products from lab to production 
  • Looking after the pilot plant facility
  • Assessing alternative raw materials in existing formulations
  • Monitoring the progress of projects 
  • Assisting the Quality Team when required in QC checking of products and raw materials


What is your background? 

I have a BSc in Chemistry and 10 years of analytical experience in a manufacturing environment, predominantly in spectroscopy and microscopy analysis. I also have previous experience in coating formulation development for packaging and graphics products. 


Can you summarise your job in 3 words?

Varied, interesting, practical.


If you could work in any other part of the business, where would you work?

Quality, as I enjoy the practical side of the job. 


What is the best thing about your role? 

I enjoy the variety of the role as it’s a combination of practical lab work and managing the projects. 


What challenges do you face and how do you overcome them?

Time pressures and balancing several projects at a time. I overcome these by trying to prioritise tasks based on deadlines. I like to make to-do lists and track everything through my Outlook calendar so I don’t miss anything. 


Which industry websites do you use to keep up to date?


What do you enjoy outside of work?

I enjoy walking in the Lake District and going to the gym. I’m also a keen reader and always have a book on the go. 


Keep an eye on our Meet the Team series for more insights into life at AGMA.